AI-Powered CRM With Live Tracking

SalesOptim is a cutting-edge CRM application designed to elevate your sales processes and drive business growth.

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Unleash The Power Of Al To Streamline Your Sales Process, Boost Conversions, And Close More Deals.

Feeling overwhelmed by manual tasks and struggling to close deals? Salesoptim is here to revolutionize your sales game. Our Al-powered CRM is designed to empower your team with intelligent automation, data driven insights, and personalized customer interactions, leading to:


Keep track of the number of new projects.


last month:180

Archive leads


Keep track of your business statistics


keep track of not only your deals but also the number of tasks.


last month:180

Your team

Our new feature shown your team and quick ways to connect with them

Increased Efficiency:

Automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and free up your team's time to focus on what matters most - building relationships
and closing deals.

Deeper Customer Understanding:

Leverage AI-powered lead scoring, customer segmentation, and predictive analytics to gain valuable insights into your customers'
needs and buying behavior.

Personalized Engagement:

Deliver targeted communication and recommendations based on individual customer preferences, fostering stronger relationships
and boosting conversions.

Improved Forecasting:

Gain real-time visibility into your sales pipeline, identify potential roadblocks, and forecast future performance with the greater

Your Pipeline at a glance

Each opportunity is listed as a card with all the essential information; and each stage gives an overview of your expected revenues.

Efficient organization

The view organizes opportunities by stage. Drag and drop them on the pipeline to move them from a stage.

Salesoptim Features:

Employee Live Tracking


  • Close more deals faster
  • Increase sales productivity
  • improve customer satisfaction
  • Gain valuable data-driven insights
  • Make smarter business decisions
Target vs Reality


Live Chat

Live Chat





UnleashYour growth potential

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